We just returned from the doctor's office where they monitored the baby's heart beat, determined whether or not I am having contractions and how the baby is reacting to them. Not one contraction to date and this baby has both a consistent heart beat and is moving
consistently. Which means...she is both happy, healthy...as well as content on living where she currently is.
This baby's mommy (me!) on the other hand was
admittedly disappointed to tears when the doctor said, "You are 1 cm (last week I was 1/2 cm) dilated and no
effacement." In
layman's terms...our baby isn't coming anytime soon.
The doctor suggested we either wait six more days and check again or induce labor and hope that my body responds favorably for a vaginal delivery. The doctor also believes that I have an "unfavorable cervix" and will possibly end up having to be induced next week anyway - that I am not going to progress enough over the next six days (even by 41 weeks) to go through the natural delivery process.
SO...we decided to induce. We check into the hospital Wednesday, September 3 at 7:00 PM. They will administer medicine at that time to help my cervix soften and then give me medicine the next (Thursday) morning to help my cervix dilate. By Thursday night our baby will officially be a little Texan and will have a name!
WOW...really? I looked at Chris in the doctor's office and said "Okay...this is what we have been waiting for, right?" Somehow, it feels unreal, scary and exciting...all at the same time.
Send prayers our way. We can't wait to update you on our little girl's arrival.
Love, Amy