Tuesday, March 2, 2010

She's not ALL sugar and spice!

Little Ava is learning that she can reach even higher as she grows and continues to explore the things around her. She recently learned to open most drawers and cabinets. We can't baby proof EVERY piece of furniture! Yesterday afternoon I was making myself a sandwich and my sweet, precious, innocent little girl was playing on the kitchen floor three feet away from me. When I turned around, she had reached into a tall cabinet and helped herself to not one, but two pieces of chocolate. She hit the jack-pot! I gave in and let her devour one entire piece. It's official...she can't be trusted to roam free around the house and make good decisions for herself. Mommy is on strict baby watch 24/7!

Snow Day in Austin!

Yep...it snowed in Austin. So fun when that happens...which is a very rare occurrence. We were stuck inside all day until I finally decided to venture out to build a snowman with little Ava. We didn't have allot of snow to build him very big but he was complete with raisin eyes, a carrot nose and a red bell pepper mouth. And, she loved eating the snow! Sweet girl never complains about the cold. She is such a trooper!