Saturday, February 21, 2009

Guess Who?

There was never a time that I don't remember my sisters and I receiving a Valentine gift on our front porch with a card that read "Guess Who?" It never failed...Valentine's Day morning there would be a knock on the door and when we opened it our secret Valentine was nowhere to be seen but always left a present for each of us. To this day we do not know who our secret Valentine is. My sister Kate has six children. Her oldest son is 18 and for all of these years a secret Valentine has never failed to leave a special gift for each child on Valentine's Day morning and has also managed to remain anonymous all these years. This our surprise Chris and I heard a knock at the front door on Valentine's Day morning and when Chris and Ava opened it they found a special present for Ava with a note that read "Guess Who?" Chris quickly walked out onto the walkway to look for the person who left such a special gift, but nobody was around! The mystery continues. Next year we'll have to remember to be watching for our secret Valentine.

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