Sunday, April 12, 2009

Here comes Peter Cotton Tail...

The Easter Bunny made a visit to the Hajdu home and left some fabulous surprises for little Miss Ava - a pretty basket full of goodies to eat and play with. AND...she actually got to meet the bunny. She loved him and stared at him...probably wondering..."what the heck"? Then, Ava got to hunt eggs with the other children. The lawn was roped off in sections for the different age groups. Ava was in the youngest group for ages 0-1. Her only competition was a cute little fella named Cash. He was 1, five months older than Ava, but did not pose a threat to her. There were plenty of eggs to go around for the two of them, but Ava's daddy strategized with her before the hunt began! The five year old section was mayhem and over in seconds - while our little section was peaceful, quiet and could have lasted all day.

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