Monday, November 29, 2010

Daddy-mommy for NINE days and nights!

Okay, Chris has always said that he would LOVE to stay home with Ava. I am sure that she would absolutely love it, too! They go on adventures with each other to places I have never even thought about taking her! Recently, they spent nine days together while I worked on this year's A Christmas Affair - that's nine full days of clothing changes, meal preparation, hair do's, baths and approximately 216 hours of entertainment! I never worry about the two of them and look forward to learning about the places they have been and the things they have done with each other. The photos are a thrill to receive on my mobile. I love to see what she is wearing, the status of her hair situation, the places she is exploring and the things that she loves about visting with her daddy. Ahhhhh, how did I ever become so fortunate to have such a great husband who loves his little girl and loves to share the world with her!

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