Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Bumble Bee

I have always loved Halloween. Ava loves it, too - but for the candy. I grew up with a mother who celebrated holidays BIG. As an adult, I now associate most holidays with a tradition of some sort. It didn't have to be a big deal, but there was always a tradition associated with most, if not all holidays - including Halloween. I want Ava to have the same thing growing up because it's FUN! We've started a Halloween tradition of ordering pizza with our neighbor friends and passing out candy in our yard. Ava is thrilled to have friends over to her house and loves, loves, loves the candy. We light and hang lanterns from the trees, sit out chairs and just enjoy visiting and watching the trick-or-treaters pass by in their awesome costumes. Ava decided to be a bumble bee this year. It was fun to see her get excited as we created the pieces of her costume over a week or so. She also got to wear make-up which was a huge thrill. She already knows what she is going to be next year...or has a couple of options lined up anyway. It will be even more fun as she gets older to create her costumes with her!

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