Tuesday, July 29, 2008


All of a sudden I got an urge to take care of business. I created a list of things I needed to pack and purchase for my stay at the hospital. I spent the next 3 1/2 hours organizing the house and packing my bag for the hospital. I kept thinking...if everything isn't in order, how can I possibly expect Chris to find anything in the house!

I talked to Chris tonight while he is away on his business trip and told him several things he (I thought he) needed to know (just what he wants to hear)...where to find the friends/family call list and email list, replace light bulbs in the backyard, when baby furniture is scheduled to be delivered, CPR class we need to attend, camera, hospital papers, what I recorded for him on DVR, where to find stamped/addressed envelopes to pay the yard crew, etc. What a good husband...he just listened and reassured me.

So...this is what they call nesting, I guess! It may not seem like much, but I got a big spurt of energy and completed some necessary (real or imagined) tasks for the anticipated craziness that I imagine will occur around here once this baby arrives.

I feel so accomplished!

Monday, July 28, 2008

Monday, Monday...

Chris and I have five full weeks until this sweet baby girl is due to grace us with her presence. We need every bit of this time to finish preparing for her arrival. AND, Chris just left town early this morning on a business trip...what I believe will be his last out of town travel until after this baby arrives.

I feel HUGE! Sleeping is an adventure! Quite comical to even begin to call it sleep...because it's more like napping throughout the night. Chris offered me a pair of his boxers and a t-shirt to sleep in last night and I didn't have the heart to admit his boxers feel tight on me at this stage of my pregnancy! Nice...

I haven't become tired of feeling this baby move in my belly. I can sit in bed and watch her for as long as she moves. And, sometimes she moves for 15 to 20 minutes. Finally, last night I told her, "you need to go to bed, little girl". While I am enjoying watching her move, I nudge Chris off and on and say, "look, look". He often says he wonders what in the heck she is doing in there.

The bigger she gets, the more amazing her movements feel. After I eat a meal, and definitely by the end of the day, my belly is so darn tight I wonder how it can get any larger for this little girl over the next month. Where in the world will she go? Seriously, how much larger can I get? I have no more belly left, but our doctor says she is scheduled to weigh 8 pounds, 3 ounces.

Pregnancy is a miracle.