Saturday, August 30, 2008

Daddy wants to know...

Every time I say, "oooh, ouch, hmmmmm" my baby's daddy says, "Did your water break?" "Are you having a contraction?" and I have to take a deep breath and say, "no, dear. I am just adjusting my position" or something to the effect. He says he is ready for this baby to arrive so he can meet her! I am ready as well, but we need to give this baby a break as she is actually not scheduled to arrive for two more days ;-)

We have been in bed all day today watching college football and junk TV (breakfast and lunch as well). I love it! We just rinsed off and are soon off to the store to pick up some things...which will be our only outing and break up the day.

This baby has been stretching and moving my belly side to side. It is amazing to watch. Chris loves to feel her and try to guess which body part is which - massaging her as she moves around.

As much as we are amazed of the thought that this baby is in my belly...the more we will be amazed when she arrives. Hurry up little girl! We're ready.

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