Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Baby shower with friends

Six of my girlfriends threw me and Chris a baby shower on Saturday, August 9th. About 40 of our friends attended and it was such a great opportunity for us to see everybody and enjoy adult time before this baby arrives. Being given a baby shower is a humbling experience. Everybody is so generous and we received so many beautiful things to help us with this little girl!

We had such a great time and I stayed up until about 1:30 AM with Tonda looking at everything...ooooohhing and ahhhhhhhing! Her sweet clothes are so tiny...blankets so soft and toys so sweet!

Chris, on the other hand fell asleep watching TV very soon after we got home - which he rarely does! He was so darn tired from the work week, putting the crib together, installing shelves in the laundry room for baby supplies, loading our baby gifts and unloading them once we arrived home!

We're getting there! I had no idea how much preparation was involved in getting ready for a baby. Although Chris says she would be just as happy sleeping in the dresser drawer and sleeping in her diaper, but I don't think so ;-)

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